Hi everyone, I’m Veronica! Welcome to the Mystic Treasures community.

A little about me—this Small Business is a one Woman Show created by your average Mom of 5 and NoNah(grandmother) to 2. I showcase, photograph and package everything myself. Everything in the Shop is intuitively hand chosen by me to ensure quality and ethically sourced pieces. 

I’m a firm believer that these GORGEOUS Crystals/Stones/Materials were not extracted from our Mother Earth to live a life collecting dust on shop shelves. I try to provide my pieces affordably and sometimes well below Market Value just for this reason alone. I have multiple outlets of Wholesalers across the globe(again to ensure quality and ethical practices). If at anytime you find yourself looking for a specific piece, please never hesitate to send an email/message—I love being able to bring items to you directly. This is not just a shop but a Community and you are the BEST part of it! 

From the bottom of my soul—I appreciate you being here! ❤️ Much Love & Light
